You must have already been exposed to the VMA event and especially the show “performances”, however some of the outfits were really not bad. We hand picked some of the classiest and most elegant…
Coachella Festival from Indio, California is the annual reunion of this eclectic mix of people who come for good music, great vibes and the bohemian and hippie catwalk. For us, this is such a…
Perhaps after five days in a row of the office routine, our skin, body and minds need a RESET! The disconnecting process happens throughout weekend following often a purely natural flow. This applies only…
The Hermes Jige clutches are smiling to us from many of the popular looks sported by Olivia Palermo and I found out that they are the cheapest Hermes bags out there (~ $ 2,000).…
The “Red Carpet” is where the most amazing dresses get to do a “check in”. Every year, whether for the Golden Globe, Grammy Awards or the mighty Oscars, attires become more fabulous every year…
Channeling a highly dramatic visual effect, slit dresses are one of the best options to choose for your extravagant evenings. They’re the perfect outfit for a ball, a prom, a banquet or a special…